2548 Hilton Garden Drive Auburn, AL 36830
List Price: $750,000.00 MLS #173277
Description: 1.55 acres located just of East Glenn and close proximity to Exit 57. Central location between Auburn/Opelika. Great location for medical, office or retail use.
Neighborhood: Bent Creek Commerical Park
Lot Size: 1.55
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2548 Hilton Garden Drive Auburn, AL 36830
2548 Hilton Garden Drive
Auburn, AL
2548 Hilton Garden Drive Auburn, AL 36830
2548 Hilton Garden Drive Auburn, AL 36830
1.55 acres located just of East Glenn and close proximity to Exit 57. Central location between Auburn/Opelika. Great location for medical, office or retail use.
List Price: $750,000.00