0 Pepperell Parkway Opelika, AL 36801
List Price: $900,000.00 MLS #173392
Description: A small intermittentant stream in the back of the property should be able to be bypassed with a culvert according to USDA engineer.
Neighborhood: Pepperel
Lot Size: 10.00
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0 Pepperell Parkway Opelika, AL 36801
0 Pepperell Parkway
Opelika, AL
0 Pepperell Parkway Opelika, AL 36801
0 Pepperell Parkway Opelika, AL 36801
A small intermittentant stream in the back of the property should be able to be bypassed with a culvert according to USDA engineer.
List Price: $900,000.00