E 301 Rosa Parks Street Avenue Tuskegee, AL 36083

List Price: $125,000.00 MLS #170550

Description: This listing is for two lots, 301a East Rosa Parks Avenue & 301b East Rosa Parks Avenue (Parcel 07 09 30 3 001 042.000 and Parcel 07 09 30 3 001 023.000) to be sold together. Situated near downtown Tuskegee, AL within close proximity to the court house and Tuskegee University these two lots are prime real estate and ready for development.

School System: Tuskegee Public Elementary

Neighborhood: None

Lot Size: 1.95

Additional Listing Details:

Listing Provided By: Three Sixty East Alabama [April Coulter]

Topography Partially Clear
Lot Dimensions 1.95

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